Monday, 12 November 2012


Posts have been rather scarce on my blog recently!  We returned from a wonderful river cruise in Europe 3 weeks ago and catching up with the family and jetlag have  probably been the culprits!

I have mixed feelings in posting the photos of our spring garden at South Acres this morning because we have sold our lovely farm.  Looking at these photos,  I am reminded of  the huge amount of work we have put into the garden over the past eight years.  This will be the last spring and summer here and I do feel rather sad.    

If I want to continue blogging,  I shall now have to change the name of the Blog too!  We are not leaving the Southern Highlands,  but the Blog name will have to change. A name I have in mind is "The Lime Walk"...It is quite difficult to find a decent name these days as most are already taken!   I am considering getting a professional to help me design a new layout for  "The Lime Walk" as the current format seems to tricky to navigate in terms of leaving comments etc.  Anyway... below are the photos and I hope you enjoy them as much as I did taking them!  We have an Open Garden this coming weekend,   so the few weeds you see on the pathways will have to go!! Sorry there are so many photos too!