Wednesday 14 March 2012


" I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck"   ~Emma Goldman

There is nothing I love more than to grab my basket on a beautiful early morning and head off into the garden,  dogs at my heels... my slippers and their paws wet from the dew as we pick flowers for the house .  I have a rose garden,  planted mostly with David Austin roses . John Nichols,  who helps in the garden as well as on the farm,  is an absolute wiz with the roses.  He knows exactly how to prune them,  what to feed them and what to spray when there are bugs.  I have had a few years of wonderful pickings from the rose garden, but the past 2 summers have been so wet that the blooms have been very disappointing.. often bruised, turning brown and failing to open.  Below are photos of flowers I have picked over the past 5 years and I thought I would share these with you.

David Austin rose " Pat Austin "

Hybrid Tea rose "Ashram" - a really wonderful rose in a deep apricot colour

The above three photos show most of the David Austin roses... abundant and beautiful !

The very beautiful "Jude the Obscure"

Pickings from my Herbacious Border - the colours tone well with the old stone wall of the house.

The three photos above showing more David Austin roses

I have only been successful growing Sweetpeas once !!

All waiting to be plunged into cold water !

Hydrangeas,  Acanthus and Lysimachia Cletheroides

Stately white gladiola - picked before they tumbled over !

An Autumnal arrangement all picked in the Rill

Beautiful blue Hydrangeas from the Woodland garden

I love Dahlias !   This is called "Winky Wopper" !!

Beautiful "Jude the Obscure"  in a lovely old Majolica jug

Pierre de Ronsaard - from my courtyard fence

Lilacs in the spring


  1. These flower arrangements are absolutely exquisite!

  2. I don't know if you are still responding to comments but I am new to English roses and LOOOOVE your arrangements! I am wondering how you prepare your roses and arrange them. My Ambrige and Pat Austin roses only last a day at most once they've been cut and brought inside. Thanks!

  3. Hi there! I'm not sure if you are still responding but I would LOVE to know how you prepare and arrange your David Austin roses once you cut them and bring them inside! Thanks so much!
